Illegal Wildlife Trade Crisis
Searching for solutions to the illegal wildlife trade crisis
A number of us are doing research to support finding solutions to the illegal wildlife trade crisis. Julia van Velden is working in partnership with Peter Lindsey from the Wildlife Conservation Network (WCN) to explore potential solutions to the increased pressure on mammals in African savannas from bushmeat hunting. Hubert Cheung is researching how people in mainland China and Hong Kong may respond to different policy solutions to solve the rhino poaching crisis. Abigail Brown is researching how scientific information influences public attitudes on how to respond to the rhino poaching crisis.
Duan Biggs works closely with the IUCN, and IUCN Sustainable Use and Livelihoods Group, the IUCN African Rhino Specialist Group, the IIED and others in order to explore potential responses to the illegal wildlife trade crisis in a way that best draws on the capacity and willingness of those communities who live with wildlife to be the first line of defence against poachers. This requires finding sustainable ways for these communities to gain benefits from the protection and stewardship of wildlife.
See also:
The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) - Beyond Enforcement program.